Sunday, November 9, 2008

Skin Pimples Clearing First Tip

Skin Pimples Clearing First Tip comes to your from
one who has had 10 years experience with skin eruptions,
pimples, acne and zits of all shapes and sizes.
Here's a link for further good info on this - click this
Skin Pimples Clearing Success

You need to plan to avoid the worst permanent damage
from pimples - acne scarring. The secret can be found
in the way you deal with zit popping.

I had a brother who attacked his pimples aggressively,
with dirty hands and with the front edge of his finger
nails. The result - lifelong deep skin scarring. That's
not what you want - believe its not a pretty sight.

So how do you avoid it? Here are the steps I used
and my zit wars left me with no permanent scarring.
First I set aside a special time when I was alone in
the bathroom. I washed my hands thoroughly with an
anti-bacterial liquid wash.

I repeated this hand wash after each "operation" to
ensure my skin pimples clearing program the best
outcome - clear skin.

Then I selected the pimple most ready for popping.
It had to have a definite head that looked ready. You
get good at selecting them as you become as
seasoned zit watcher.

Then I placed a finger on each side of the base of
the pimple and squeezed gently and slowly.

Please note I did not place my finger nails near
the pimple just the soft flesh parts of the top of
my fingers. Using your nails can cause a lot
of long term damage.

And also note I took my time with the squeezing.
The whole idea was to be as gentle
with my skin as possible.

I have many more useful tips. Want to get hold
of them now? You can get a free e-course with
some of them by clicking the link below -
Skin Pimples Gone Forever with No Scarring

The best ebook written on skin pimple clearing is
also available at -
Get Rid of Skin Pimples

Be encouraged you can get rid of your pimples
and the clear radiant skin you desire because
Skin Pimple Clearing Success Belongs To You